Help Me To Crash

Help Me To Crash is a radical music and dance performance by performers Małgorzata Haduch and Maria Mavridou and musician Arvind Ganga. This show is personal till the pain of the bones, with the performers sharing with each other what would otherwise remain hidden forever. At times, Help Me To Crash is a broadcast of three different radio stations blaring simultaneously. And sometimes, the piece gets too intense — even scary to watch. All in the pursuit of fullness of expression, fullness of being together, fullness of life. And never stepping back.

Performance by Małgorzata Haduch and Maria Mavridou, sound by Arvind Ganga

“This improvised, international quartet of two dancers and two musicians is a fascinating, unpredictable experience, borderline from sound and movement. The body becomes here a musical subject, uttering sounds and knocks, but also the specific played music seems to take shapes, becoming a physical existence, the circulating energy between the dancers, the engine to the action, an equal element in this story. Improvisation emerges as holistic, intense, individual at the same time common experience. The dynamic of the performance emerges from the interactions between sound and movement, it is cumulative and wild, gradually it eludes the artists, in order to hit them with double force. Striking, almost erotic dialogue between sounds and movements is not direct yet it pulsates, transforms, creates anxiety. Also the crash is ambiguous – can be a request for passion, for (self)destruction, for plunge into non-existence. The performers indeed “crash”, pierce to the other side, and the improvisation becomes almost transcendental initiation: a passage to another level of consciousness.”
Taniec Polska on the Help Me To Crash performance at the KRoki festival in Krakow, march 2014.


“It’s a fantastic combination of live music with the movement of human bodies. The relationship between sound and movement are very visible – the dancers react to the actions of musicians, and the latter in rekcji improvise their dance. The most exciting moments are those in which the artists come into close contact – sound intensity increases then. Women do not just move in space – seem with each other as different sounds, complementary gestures made ​​by them. Interestingly also look at situations closeness between dancers and musicians – when the artist improvise, coming into contact with the guitar. Help Me To Crash is definitely one of the most interesting proposals for the festival, although quite different from the others. Lets focus more on the individual sequences of motion and sound on individual beats in percussion and a very small gestures. Music moves not only the dancer, but the audience – makes perceptible becomes the rhythm of the human heart, pulsating very strongly.”
Marta Seredyńska on the Help Me To Crash performance at the KRoki Festival in Krakow, march 2014. Translated by Google Translate, full article at the festival website, in Polish.
